GUIMEDIC has registered trademarks in more than 3 countries in up to 5 different categories. The word GUIMEDIC cannot be registered as a trademark, since we have it registered. The trademarks are registered locally, but the owner of the trademarks is the Central Office, if any country believes that we have to register any trademark in the country must first align the issue with the Central Office of our NGO.
In the interaction with companies, institutions or any entity that is necessary to use the GUIMEDIC brand or that we use the brand of that counterpart, for the creation of any content for public dissemination is necessary to grant and / or to grant us a permit. Permissions must be for a specific and limited period of time, always being necessary to request authorization for new uses. This is the only way to ensure that our brand is not used for unauthorized purposes, and also to have the parameters of how to use the brand of others.